May 20, 2008

Learn a new language

After practically being forced into French classes through elementary and secondary school, I guess I always thought I would end up fluent in French - WRONG! After more than 10 years of classes I can honestly say I do not understand or speak any French. I know a lot of words mind you, but a lot of good that does me when trying to actually communicate.

I would love to be able to actually speak and understand a language other than English, which some would argue (my dad would be included) that I am not all that good at anyway. Considering Den is Korean, I think that would be an obvious, but difficult choice for me to set my sights on. I am on my way, I have a translation dictionary and the will to learn. Somehow I think this is going to be an ordeal but we'll see. So now that I have actually written down that this is a goal I should get started learning words that are not only related to foods I like to eat - that doesn't count anymore.

1 comment:

Bree said...

Shouldn't it be a goal for all us to spek french at the end of that ordeal? I can't figure out how I took classes for so long, and totally missed the boat. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.