August 13, 2008

The Switch from pop


On an average day I drink a large coffee in the morning, a diet coke with lunch, another diet coke with dinner and maybe some juice. I'm not sure the milk in my cereal counts as another beverage. Needless to point out, I am not a pinnacle of health when it comes to liquid consumption. So I've decided to make a switch! Well try to make a switch. I am now drinking carbonated water instead of pop. It's really the fizz that I love so I'm hoping this will work for me. I'm sure I'd be better off just drink good old fashioned water, but I figure at least it is better than drinking all that sugar and aspartame etc in pop. My mom and sister are constantly sending me articles on how bad aspartame is or throwing stuff out for me, leaving signs on the pop - now they can rest assured I'm making an effort to change my ways.

Here is goes...wish me luck: Day 8 of no pop.

Goodbye old friend.


Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmmmm I would like an update on the no pop front ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I am so proud of you - pop is bad!