October 21, 2008

Eco-Care 2008

Yesterday and today I attended a conference hosted by London Health Sciences Centre called Eco-Care 2008. LHSC is trying to find ways to reduce their impact on the planet - what a cool concept eh? I think it is fantastic that the organization is supporting this effort to wholeheartedly. There were vendors of the hospital (me included) and just over a hundred attendees from different health care related facilities around the country. It was so heart warming to see so many people taking the issue of our environment so seriously.

Last night as part of the conference there was a gala dinner at Museum London, with Justin Trudeau as the key note speaker. I went excited to hear Justin speak on his views on environment and the inevitable political topics that were raised. Justin was charming, funny and was able to say the right things. He was very honest and spoke with passion and I think my favourite part of the evening was when Justin proclaimed to the crowd that he has so much to learn and many years to until he would think himself in a position to even think of leading the Liberal party, nevermind the Country. I look forward to watching his career unfold!

Eco-Care 2008

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