January 6, 2010

When life lost its taste

The Friday before Christmas I was told I have several food allergies. According to my Naturopath I am allergic to Wheat, Gluten, Eggs, Dairy and Sugar. Think about what you eat for a minute, then try and think of just one of those foods that doesn't have at least one of these things in it - now you understand my dilema.

So, what can I eat you may ask! Well, after a few weeks of trial and error and many many MANY rice cakes I am still struggling to find things to eat. My most difficult meal is breakfast because rice cakes and peanut butter only go so far. And I might also add that there is sugar and additives in food for a reason! 100% natural peanut butter - not so good. Without sugar and additives...food holds little joy. Tonight I tried PaneRiso Foods Rice Bread Crumbs and I was pleasantly surprised. I like making home made chicken fingers and I haven't been able to since I found out a can't each wheat (break crumbs have wheat and gluten). So tonight I mixed some herbs into the rice break crumbs and it wasn't terrible! Kind of a weird texture but I enjoyed them!

I have changed over to Brown Rice Pasta and actually don't mind it at all. After you've smothered pasta with tomato sauce you can't really tell what the actual pasta tastes like anyway! So that is one food I have been happy to eat.

One new food to my diet is Quinoa. Quinoa (keen-wa) is a grain from the Andes. Turns out this little grain that you cook like rice is kind of great! It doesn't really taste like much but it is full of protein and fiber. And anyone who knows me knows I love fiber.

Anyway, as I go through my food journey I will post foods that work and foods that don't for people that may suffer from the same allergies as I do. Because one thing I am learning is that there are quite a few options out there for us, but they are expensive and hit and miss when it comes to being worth your money and taste buds.


1 comment:

Bree said...

You poor poor thing.