May 3, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

In my struggle to find sleep over the past few weeks I have been reading more than usual. The last few nights I have tried to fill the wee hours with this book my sister introduced me to called The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I'm only about a quarter way in but so far it's an interesting series of intertwining plots, that I can't quite figure out how they jive together, but that's half the fun! It has several interesting characters, each with their own quirks that add to the plot line and keep your interest. It takes place in Sweden, so after you get over all the names you can't pronounce and all the places you've never heard of it's quite an interesting read. I will provide an update and a rating once I finish. Oh, and apparently this book is now a movie out in theatres; so, for all those who may be less inclined to spend the time, savor the pages, and use your own imagination there is the Hollywood version to do it for you.

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