November 5, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The new Harry Potter movie comes out in a couple weeks and I already have tickets! The Harry Potter movies evoke a lot of emotions from me. They are most often released near Christmas, so I get a warm and fuzzy feeling around that. My family all loves the Harry Potter books and we, for the first movies, went all together to see them so that we could discuss together after. That part is bitter sweet now that my dad is gone. We still try and go as a family, but as much as we love them, it is always a sad experience at the same time. For the same reason the movies make me think of dad and I love them for that. He died before the last book came out and that is tragic for me. He would have loved the end.

For many reasons I am anxious, excited, exhilarated and apprehensive to see the next one. It is the first of the two movies that will tell the story of the last book - and I will be sad to see the end of the Harry Potter saga.

The trailer is a great one: check it out> Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


PN said...

BUT did you see JK Rowling on Oprah hinting that Harry's story MIGHT not be over yet....................eek!

Susie said...

Really!!?? No I didn't see that Oprah, but that's amazing! I hope it happens. Maybe Harry will become headmast at Hogwarts :)