January 16, 2011

a food revolution

Day 1 of eating for health, prevention of disease, and balance within the body. The question is can I adapt and change everything about the way I eat? I don't know.

The rules:
- stick to the foods that go together and never mix foods that conflict
- eat 4-6 times a day
- eat nothing processed
- no protein and carbs at one time, potatoes with veg ok, cereals with veg ok, cereals with fruit sometimes...

Fruits: melons, grapes, cherries, and blueberries
Veg: zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, squash, celery

For a girl used to spice, Thai food, Indian, Korean and all things tasty this may just be the biggest challenge I've faced yet. The questions is: is giving myself the best chance at life worth the culinary sacrifice? Stay tuned....

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