June 24, 2012

30 day challenge

I am in some serious need of motivation. You would think my upcoming wedding might do the trick to get me into fitness high gear, but no. At least not yet!

So I have decided to give myself a 30 day challenge. And by putting it out into the black hole that is the Internet world I may feel motivated to stick to it! In theory anyway.

Here's the challenge. 
1. No booze, meaning no wine, for 30 days. (Vic stop laughing)
2. Some kind of exercise, each day, for a minimum of 30 minutes. (Dennis stop laughing) This can include anything from walking, yoga, spin class, gym time - whatever!

This may not seem like a hard thing, but for me, this will be a true test of my will power. Or lack thereof. So, wish me luck. I will post each day on my progress for each of my 30 days. Pass or fail. On or off the wagon. But hopefully firmly on.

Here we go.

Day 1 is tomorrow: Monday June 25th. Random I know, but must start while motivated. 


Unknown said...

You must go to the book store right now and buy Naturaly Thin by Bethenny Frankel. ( and yes she is a real housewife and I can sense my sister rolling her eyes at me as we speak) but that book changed the way I look at eating dieting. It's about control, not deprivation! And I lost about 8lbs, so it works!!! Can't wait until oct 13!!

Susie said...

Thanks Sar I'll check it out! I need all the help I can get at the moment! Can't wait to see you in August!! :)