December 13, 2009

The year ahead 2010

According to the stars, here is what the year ahead has in store for me...

After the last few hectic years, most Aquarians feel like checking into an asylum or a monastery. Not so fast, my fastidious friend. Although this year it may be a bit tricky finding your bearings, this is a setup of cosmic proportions and in January, Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune, will lend you his energy for the next 12 months. Yes, with a little tact, grace and your famous diplomacy skills, by the end of this year, you will have your life back on track.
Although anyone who challenges your authority or expertise tends to rile your temper, one of your 2009 challenges will be to keep your intuition tuned in and at times play the game by someone else's rules. And if you take a look at the big picture and understand exactly what is at stake, you will know that this is a very small sacrifice to make. Your first test will be during the January Aquarian eclipse.
Restrictive Saturn will add new responsibilities that may feel limiting but in reality are designed to help you redefine your hopes, dreams and wishes. With this combination of visionary and stabilizing star power, you can reinvent your career or even fall in love. And one of these new responsibilities could turn into a job, promotion or life-long passion.
Take advantage of even the smallest opportunity or idea and follow through. This year Gordon Parks' words should sum up your attitude: "The guy who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed."
2009 Aquarius Love Match: Serious love matches become more fun, loving and solid, but don't forget that a marriage is like another job and takes attention and work to succeed.


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