December 9, 2009

When the world is against you

Do you, some days, feel like everything is against you? This may seem like a very self-centred way of thinking because one might say how can everything be about you; however, isn't everything in your life mostly about you? Some days, every one yells at you, everything you did is wrong, the things you thought you did well - you didn't, no matter how hard you try- you fail and inevitably that big presentation you spent the last two days preparing was lost into your computer abyss.

What to do? When this is how I feel, and today is a good example, I like think...what would Carrie Bradshaw do? And I think she would tell me, Susie, put on your best pink tutu taffeta dress, the most expensive shoes you've ever bought (for her would be Manolo, for me would be Payless) or the biggest flower accessory you can find and hit the town.

I may not be able to hit the town tonight (because there is big presentation to be re-built), but there is a lesson to be learned by Carrie - no matter how life treats you, how bad you think your day is, how you think you have it hardest in this world - there is always tomorrow - and a new outfit and a Manhattan. Cheers!

I heart SJP.

1 comment:

CarBus said...

I heart YOU, suze!

WWCBD. I attend the same church.
Good luck with your pres-o!