May 20, 2010

Mofongo what?

I would like to share the food I learned about on tonight's episode of Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. Yes, seriously. Mofongo! What the heck is Mofongo you ask? Well, according to Wikipidia Mofongo is a plantain-based dish from Puerto Rico. Mofongo is generally made from fried green plantains (although fried yuca or breadfruit are possible) which is mashed together with broth, garlic, olive oil, and pork cracklings or bits of bacon. It is often filled with vegetables, chicken, crab, shrimp, or beef and is often served with fried meat and chicken broth soup. Doesn't this sound delicious?? It is now my mission to find a place that serves this so I can try it. That or an excuse to go to Puerto Rico. I'm so hungry right now!

Looks so good!

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