July 21, 2010


This morning I was listening to CBC Radio - like always - and they did a segment on Glamping. This is a word I have never heard before. So what is Glamping you ask? Well, Glamping is Glamour-Camping. I like it already.

I guess there is a fad now that people are very into camping; now this isn't new in and of itself, but it is the people that make the difference. The people that are into Glamping are people like me. People who maybe, over value the many comforts they enjoy in life - hair dryer, mattress and nice meals. For us types, we glamp. We show up at the camp site and it's already built. Not only is it built, it is a spacious tent, a bed and not a sleeping bag on the ground. There are cooked meals for you and your camp fire is already glowing away when you pull up all ready for smores. And the goodies to make your smores are sitting by the fire ready to go.

Now some may argue that this actually isn't camping. But I would argue who are they to judge what my camping experience should be like? If these luxuries make me have a great time while enjoying the great out doors then why judge? I question many people's choice in clothing; but I wouldn't ban them from going out in public.

So I say glamp on. I think I will....


DenDen said...

You crack me up babe.
When are we going glamping?

Susie said...

ANYTIME!! I want to go!

jinny said...

hahaha... I wanna go glamping too! But only if they can figure out how to keep the bugs away.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jinny...glamping and no bugs-priceless!