August 8, 2010

Getting serious... 16K down

Today's run was the longest and hardest yet. 16km. I thought last week at 14 was hard but once you hit 14...every kilometer is hard. My lungs are fine; if only my legs would cooperate little more I would be great! At the moment my legs start to tighten up at about 12kms and just get more and more tried as I go.

The more I run the more I realize that this race is more of a mind over matter race than the fear of not actually finishing the race. However I suppose not finishing is also a concern :)

Plugging along....7 weeks to go.

1 comment:

CarBus said...

So impressed Susie!!! I thought running 8.5km before work (really it's 7.3km, turns out the Nike sensor is little legs/strides are deceiving) made me a hero.

You're like double the hero I am. YAY!