June 20, 2011

decisions, decisions, decisions

I think I need a decision maker in my life. I need someone to tell me what to do so that I don't have to make the hard decisions my self. Don't get me wrong, I'm really good at telling other people what to do and what they should do, but when it comes to me - no idea. What gives? You would think that because I know myself best that those decisions would be the easy ones. But no! Not for me! I'm terrified of making one that I won't like, or that will disrupt me or challenge me a little too much. I want change, but I don't; I crave adventure, but I'm scared; I'm desperate to be brilliant, but I'm not. Why am I such a living contradiction. Just pick something. Anything!

Any volunteers for this thankless job? It is sure to bring verbal abuse, nasty moods and no you will definitely receive no thanks. Takers?



Katie said...

I will take on the job!!

Emily said...

I'll do it! You can pay me in wine... :)