June 14, 2011

some people

Some people you just can't reason with. The last few weeks have taught me this valuable lesson. Despite how logical, rational, educated or experienced or not, some people will just never really listen with an open mind. They are too stubborn, jaded, proud, self-important - call it what you want.

What have I learned from this experience? To never knowingly be that way myself. To always at least try to listen; to admit when I am wrong regardless of how I might feel about it; never assume I know everything; and never treat people with less respect than I would treat my mother. Because if you do any of these things, you are the only one who ends up looking stupid. I really wish I could write this to the person that taught me these valuable lessons. I feel like I should thank her despite her being a moron. Oh sorry! I'll rephrase, it is my opinion today that she is a moron; but, I am open to her proving me wrong.

In the pursuit of self-awareness...

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