June 27, 2012

day 3

Day 3 brought a realization to me that I really didn't think through the logistics of my 30 day plan. Realistically it should be the no wine and work out 5 days a week plan. I am already being challenged to fit in even 30 minutes into some of my days. Tomorrow for example, I am in Toronto for work all day then have a social commitment after work. I likely won't get home until after 10 and with the travel and early start to the day am I really going to want to exercise at the end of it? No. Hmmmm.

The only option is to get up at 5:30AM and go for a run or to the gym to get it in. And then try and make it through a very long day. Doable. By my lazy self is mentally fighting me. I would say most of the challenge is mental. Mind over body. I'm pretty sure I know which of those two will win.

We'll see.

But for day 3 - success. An hour at the gym doing various cardio activities while watching SoYou Think You Can Dance. Pretty good on the food today too.

Here's my run down:

Breakfast: Protein shake
Snack: Protein cookie and a green tea
Lunch: Egg white pancakes with almond butter banana filling
Snack: Apple and 15 almonds
Dinner: Salmon with asparagus and kale
Snack: Green tea

Tomorrow is a new challenge. On the road all day, out for dinner and lots of possible excuses to be bad. And let's be honest...I'm weak. Fingers crossed.

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