June 30, 2012

day 6

Beautiful day outside today! Good leg workout today. Seemed a shame to be inside at the gym when it was so nice outside, but you have to do what you have to do!

For dinner I tried a new recipe and it was great! I highly recommend. Here it is:

Rainbow Trout
Parchment pouches (or make pouches out of tin foil)
Cook for 10 minutes at 400 degrees.

Line the bottom with lemon slices, put the fish on top, then top the fish with the capers and thyme. The real recipe calls for oil drizzled over, but I thought with the steam it wouldn't be needed. I didn't miss it!  I served with brown rice and asperagus. Delicious and quick!

June 29, 2012

day 4 & day 5

There was no time to write yesterday, but my log wouldn't have been exciting. I go in my 30 minute walk, but nothing else. I'm finding it very difficult when I'm on the road to not only eat well, but to get in some worth-while exercise.

Today I did the Arms/Shoulders/Triceps P90X video. I didn't feel like going to the gym after a long week and it's too hot outside to run. I really need to do better on the food. All the exercise is not going to do much if I can't get the food under control. So hard! I just love it so much!

So the battle continues. It's Friday night, the weekend is the hardest to not open that bottle of wine. But, I'm drinking my green tea and relaxing. Just as good right?

June 27, 2012

day 3

Day 3 brought a realization to me that I really didn't think through the logistics of my 30 day plan. Realistically it should be the no wine and work out 5 days a week plan. I am already being challenged to fit in even 30 minutes into some of my days. Tomorrow for example, I am in Toronto for work all day then have a social commitment after work. I likely won't get home until after 10 and with the travel and early start to the day am I really going to want to exercise at the end of it? No. Hmmmm.

The only option is to get up at 5:30AM and go for a run or to the gym to get it in. And then try and make it through a very long day. Doable. By my lazy self is mentally fighting me. I would say most of the challenge is mental. Mind over body. I'm pretty sure I know which of those two will win.

We'll see.

But for day 3 - success. An hour at the gym doing various cardio activities while watching SoYou Think You Can Dance. Pretty good on the food today too.

Here's my run down:

Breakfast: Protein shake
Snack: Protein cookie and a green tea
Lunch: Egg white pancakes with almond butter banana filling
Snack: Apple and 15 almonds
Dinner: Salmon with asparagus and kale
Snack: Green tea

Tomorrow is a new challenge. On the road all day, out for dinner and lots of possible excuses to be bad. And let's be honest...I'm weak. Fingers crossed.

day 2

Super busy day today. Knowing that I sneaked in a 30 minute walk at lunch. I don't typically like to do that because I generally eat at my desk through lunch and I wear full business attire to work, which usually means a suit. Not so conducive for exercise.  However, today it was necessary if I wanted to get my 30 minutes in.

Plus it was a beautiful day and got to take it in. Win win.

Exhausted. Time for bed.

June 25, 2012

day 1

Day 1 a success.

Full body weights work out today to start things off. Meals went well too until the Finance brought take out home for dinner. His idea of "making dinner". At least it was middle eastern - chicken, hummus, tomatoes - and not something worse (trying to convince myself). Will try to do better tomorrow.

June 24, 2012

30 day challenge

I am in some serious need of motivation. You would think my upcoming wedding might do the trick to get me into fitness high gear, but no. At least not yet!

So I have decided to give myself a 30 day challenge. And by putting it out into the black hole that is the Internet world I may feel motivated to stick to it! In theory anyway.

Here's the challenge. 
1. No booze, meaning no wine, for 30 days. (Vic stop laughing)
2. Some kind of exercise, each day, for a minimum of 30 minutes. (Dennis stop laughing) This can include anything from walking, yoga, spin class, gym time - whatever!

This may not seem like a hard thing, but for me, this will be a true test of my will power. Or lack thereof. So, wish me luck. I will post each day on my progress for each of my 30 days. Pass or fail. On or off the wagon. But hopefully firmly on.

Here we go.

Day 1 is tomorrow: Monday June 25th. Random I know, but must start while motivated.